Get ready for Term 3 and register below.

Child/Member details

All members are required to have a Project Futsal training top
Please inform us of any conditions which could affect training

Parent/Guardian details

Used if we can't contact you in an emergency

Payment method


Project Futsal
ANZ 06-0582-0376875-30
Use member's FULL NAME as reference

Terms and conditions

I am the parent/legal guardian of the above named child, and in consideration of Project Futsal allowing my child to participate, I agree:

  1. To assume all risks arising out of, associated with or related to my childs participation; and
  2. To specifically indemnify and hold harmless Project Futsal and all of its Officers, Agents, Employees and Instructors in respect of any event which might otherwise have given rise to a cause of direct or indirect action (in respect of you or any person in your care) against any or all of the persons or organisations protected in this clause. You and your child provide the indemnity with the knowledge of and in recognition of the possibility of injury or other dangers connected with any form of physical activity including the activity usually included in the Academy. Your child must not undertake any physical activity if they suffer from any injury, illness or disability which might cause additional injury or aggravation to such condition; and
  3. To release Project Futsal from liability for any and all claims, demands, actions and costs that might arise out of participating, even though such risks, injuries, loss, damage, claims, demands, actions or costs may have been caused by the negligence of Project Futsal; and
  4. To pay the full registration fee within 10 working days of registering; and
  5. To give permission for my childs photo to be used for promotional purposes; and
  6. That all fees are non-refundable unless previously discussed; and
  7. That prices are subject to change in the new year.